It’s a pen though. Striker just about to tap in a finish. Got away massively again. When did tugging shirts in the area become acceptable because pens are rarely given for it anymore.
Don't know what you mean by that, he's literally being dragged back whilst turning. You can clearly see he tries staying up but stumbling due to that. Clear penalty for me
I’m not sure any of the penalties we’ve conceded were as obvious as that. It’s a foul anywhere else on the park and had it been at the other end with home fans crying for it, and the inexperience of the ref, I am certain he’d have given it. I’m resigned to not getting one all season in the league. Let’s face it, we’ve had three in cup competitions and missed two of them. And the one we scored against Crewe, the game was already won by then. We only concede goals from penalties in the league, not score from them.
For me, it was an obvious penalty. I'm beginning to think an opponent could chop off a Barnsley player's limb in the penalty area and the referee would wave play on!
How the hell can you expect someone to tug your shirt when all you are concentrating on is trying to play the ball.
How do you work that one out I watched it in slow motion clear as day he pulls him back. Without that he scores or at least has a chance to.
He felt the contact and went down- that would probably be given in the premiership- if not given I’m not sure VAR would overturn it. I think he could have stayed on his feet and buried it.
It's always hard to move your feet forward to get to the ball when someone's pulling you from behind.