'Listen' - my response would be: 'I am.' 'No doubt' - when Jamie Carragher says it. He just uses the phrase too much, every game.
Being unable in the world of football to call someone a ‘top player’. Necessity to say ‘top, top player’ as a pundit.
I find I have to listen too hard to follow what he's saying! He seems to start a sentence that sounds interesting and then jumps somewhere else without finishing the point!
When a player starts an answer with ‘yeah, no,….’ Or ‘no, yeah….’ Which one and why a word that doesn’t relate to the question?
'we can now concentrate on the league' - said by the losing team - usually languishing at the bottom of the division after a Cup match. 'Mr Meadows presence is / is not required - not heard it for a while. 'We wish to remind spectators that they are not allowed on the pitch - if spectators remain seated the players will do a lap round the pitch' - at end of last home match of the season - cue mass pitch 'invasion.'
"Limbs." "Cultured left foot" - does he have athlete's foot? - WHY IS THE RIGHT ONE NEVER CULTURED? "Since records began" - since 1992 then. "Fair result" - after every. Single. Draw. Even when one team has dominated throughout
'Yeah, no... look, listen... stop look listen, no... look... listen... at the end of the day... what was the question again?'
“Barnsley are playing from right to left.” Meaningless unless you happen to know where the commentator is sitting. “At this present moment in time”
When stupid managers say “football club” instead of just club, because they think it makes them sound more cleverer or sumfin!
'That could have been a great goal!' It wasn't I don't envy commentators to be fair, a difficult job. But there are definitely varying degrees of intelligence.
Best one I heard was the other week. "You've got to hit the goalkeepers head there and make him make a save". Why you still haven't scored?