I never liked him as a pundit/TV personality, but he's just gone up in my estimation. https://www.theguardian.com/footbal...olicy-nazi-germany-match-of-the-day-presenter
I've always liked him as a player, and as a pundit. I like most of his tweets too. And he's spot on when he comes to refugees imo.
Only reason he gets stick is because we live in a brainwashed maniac infested country. In any decent society his views wouldn't be that "newsworthy". Compassion and decency is now deemed strange and uncomfortably eccentric.
He'll probably end up losing his BBC job over this which is nuts. The world has gone crazy. I can't believe what the government is doing, it is like something out of a BNP manifesto. I'm ashamed to be British at the moment.
That image of Sunak standing at a lectern with three words on. STOP THE BOATS. That’s a call to action aimed at every racist and bigot to do just that. The government is blatantly inciting violence. At the next protests they’ll be out with banners bearing those 3 words and claiming - justifiably - that they’re following government orders. Lineker is absolutely right.
STOP THE BOATS is a direct command that's more than 'dog whistling'. Anyway 'dog whistling' like so many fashionable words disguises the true meaning. Dog whistling = inciting violence. Maybe we could launch a 'special military operation' against refugees.
It's amazing how certain people are happy spouting hateful rhetoric then get all precious and faux-outraged when called out for it.
I’ve always liked the bloke & he’s spot on with this. This isn’t the Tories dropping another bollock, it’s plain hate speech designed to stir up support from the far right for an election they are expecting to lose. It’s desperate & dangerous..
It's amazing how these people call others "snowflakes" then get all triggered by such innocuous numbers like: Rainbows Gammon Free internet Gary Lineker A Swedish schoolgirl
He doesnt need to do that though as they get all the support they need from the likes of Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenesberg I thought all these right wing types keep claiming their right to free speech is being cancelled, so I wonder if they can see the contradiction in calling for a sportsman to deprived of his job because he made a tweet critical of Government policy on his personal account . Also dont these calls for him to be silenced seem to rather support his stance that there are similarities with 1930's Germany
In the very unlikely event that the new policy gets through Parliament, the Lords and the various courts and actually works, those people that are out there cheering it on will be demanding that Mr Sunak, Mrs Braverman, Mrs Patel and the rest are then put on a boat and deported. It never stops until people start dying.