Skied there today. Was patchy and a little icy, but conditions higher up in Flaine were better, even a little powder. Supposed to be quite a bit of snow this weekend.
Just done a 260 mile journey home from Poole, Dorset. Have to say it wasn't the easiest of journeys but didn't see a bit of snow until I was north of Nottingham on the M1. Before that it just wazzed it down all the way home. Then it turned to snow but none of it settled. Worst thing is the nutters on the road - people tailgating me within a couple of inches of my bumper in driving snow. What's wrong with these people, ffs. All the in-car autonomous systems flashed warnings about shutting down because the sensors were all blocked with snow. Got home to read an article that said self driving cars will be here within a decade. Yeah, right - not in my lifetime.
No idea about Barnsley, but don't think I'll be getting out of Haworth for a's like bleedin' Narnia...
Snowing a bit here, I do find it a bit pathetic the way the media over exaggerates and the country comes to a standstill at the slightest bit of snow. I’m sure fortitude has reduced significantly since the pandemic too - first excuse to send schools home / cancel trains / cancel anything and it’s done. I can only think of one occasion where it genuinely stopped me from travelling and that was about 10 years ago when I lived in Penistone and there was about 2 foot of snow !
Had it fairly bad here near Crystal Peaks, Sheffield. Just looked out of the window, there's not even any car tracks on the road which makes me think the street is blocked from one, or both ends. It's on a main bus route too. Absolutely no way I'm getting into work. I don't like driving in the snow as it is.
I've started watching a YouTube channel by a driving instructor named Ashley Neal. I think I discovered it when someone posted a link to one of his videos on here. I genuinely think watching him has made me a better driver. Some of the nutters on the road do need educating on why their 'road etiquette' is dangerous.
I don’t think fortitude has so much. But the chance of litigation has, therefore schools, etc aren’t willing to risk possible injuries. Also the distance to travel to work has increased.
Be a miracle if game is on tomorrow. Even if pitch gets cleared the surrounding streets and pavements will be an issue. Is more snowfall forecast today? Loads of trains already cancelled including the Penistone Line. Incredible in 2023 snow still makes huge parts of the country shut down and cancel stuff.
You can ski over to Flaine pretty easily normally. Been a few spells of high winds this week though which can close the higher lifts which connect the valleys.
Not really. It tends to cause us issues once every couple of years. It is hardly worth changing our complete infrastructure for. In Iceland they have studded tyres for winter but just not viable for here when we can go over a year without any snow.
The problem is, if you get 1800 kids to school and then even half a dozen of them can’t get home again, what do you do? Have a sleepover for the weekend? You get massively angry complaints whatever you do so you might as well choose the option that comes with no risks attached. It’s so rare (one or two days a year, if that) that it’s not worth making sweeping changes like in other countries.
You dont need studded tyres here, in fact I think they are illegal. hey dont even use them in the alps, a good set of rubber snow tyres makes a huge difference, There are now decent cross climate tyres which are also rated for use in snow. Never tried them myself but I think they are more than enough for the UK if you dont want to have to swap tyres/wheels twice a year.
Why wouldn't they get home? Roads would be gritted to be picked up in a car or if you live nearby you can walk.