It's the same sort of mistake we make when we call the likes of Derby and Forest "southern bastids". Although in this case I believe Ginsters are actually Cornish and so can officially make Cornish pasties God knows what they were thinking sponsoring a Devon club
But not acceptable to a devonian. Should have been singing 'you can shove yer devon cream teas up yer arse'
It would have been better if they had chanted ‘you need to put the jam before the cream’ just to really wind them up
To be fair, Swadlincote is in the Derby South constituency about 10 miles from the centre of Derby, a lot of their support comes from there and it was the centre of the Derbyshire/Leicestershire coalfield. Also the site of the Bretby Mining Research and Development Establishment where I worked in the 80s. Edit; I wasn't a scab by the way, I was in BACM (British Association of Colliery Managers) at the time. Some people I knew did "overtime" at pits, basically helping the police but I didn't. I wouldn't have been able to look my dad in the face.
I know what you are saying. But probably the best example I can give. Is. That if i lived in Penistone. Saying I reside in the borough of sheffield which the media always implies. I'd be chuffin fuming..
What % of the Num would you stayed loyal mate. And I'm not saying during the collapse of the strike. The last month or so. Not particularly your place obviously but within the community.
There were a group of lads, one was the brother of my first wife's friend, he was an NUM official so he stayed out to the end. Him and a few other lads were known locally as "the dirty dozen", pretty well everybody else went back well before the end, some never came out on strike at all. They're a funny lot round there, you'd say working class but in the time I've been there (since 1983), they only had a Labour MP between 1997 and 2010, before that it was Edwena Curry and now it's Heather Wheeler (Tory, a complete waste of space). Quite strongly voted for Brexit in 2016. Hopefully they will see the error of their ways but I'm not counting on it.
Would you chant Nazi at Germans who also weren’t born during the wars at an England v Germany match though?