What was I listening to on the way home then!? Moore, Hecky and Duff interviews and unhappy blunts and happy Reds!
Got to say I've absolutely loved Match of the Day tonight. Goals and main chances in a quick, no fuss manner. Perfect.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...on-viewers-tune-amid-Gary-Lineker-crisis.html Ratings rise. If this drags out a few more weeks BBC might just keep the format to save themselves millions.
Of course viewing figures rose, loads of people who don't normally watch will have tuned in out of curiosity after all the news coverage.
Still happened though and if it keeps happening it's bad news for the host and pundits who might be deemed no longer needed. The way people especially younger people consume TV is changing all the time. Many won't care who's hosting or who the pundits are, as to those they will only be bothered about match highlights.
You still seem to be completely missing the point of why It happened and that it doesnt even begin to suggest that it would be a trend that continues. If anything the increase is smaller than you'd have expected
It won't. If the programme continues in that format, the numbers will very quickly be through the floor.
When Lineker hosted it in his undies after the bet about Leicester winning the title over a million more watched it than usual. I've no idea why they didn't continue with that, if it carried on they'd have about 200m weekly viewers now. The logic is flawless.
I'm glad that Lineker spoke out about the lazy dog-whistle 'solution' put forward by Sunak and Braverman. Treat people appropriately - hear their case - deport/repatriate them if their application fails after a fair hearing. But I have to say that when I watch MOTD off record on Sunday mornings I skip the punditry and just watch the highlights. TBH, I often skip the bits in between the goals because I've become disillusioned about how much football has fallen prey to childish macho displays and systematic cheating. The other thing about all this is that the migrant situation is far more complex than either side has represented it. There was an excellent - and worrying - exposition by Matthew Syed in his Sunday Times column this morning. I'd recommend it if you can find it.