Does it really mean owt though, beyond being a bit awkward being part of G20 etc? It’s not like this will have somehow alerted countries as to what he’s up to.
He'll lap it up. State media will lap it up and use it to slag the west off. The West should have sent him hundreds of teddy bears, sent him a valentines card in Feb and told him he's really handsome. The psychology would have totally confused em...
I guess those in power need to look like they are doing something, when this announcement means nothing to a man who wouldn't leave Russia anyway.
Two reasons it's the right thing to have happened. First the actual indictment relates to forced expatriation of children. Please leave at the door the usual whataboutery and let that sink in. He is trying to eradicate a nation from the face of the earth. On a moral level, even a forlorn tilt at justice is still a tilt at justice. The second reason is that it might not actually be that forlorn. He's already having to slap down competitors like prighozin. If major military reversals come, he could find himself becoming a makeweight in some peace negotiations. It just ramps up the pressure on this 21st century iteration of a 20th century dictator. History might not always repeat itself, but it sure as **** rhymes.
A bit of a guilty pleasure, not a bad tune . Watching this, Two thoughts, first was it recorded in front of a "live" audience drawn from the politburo, second, I'll have a gram of whatever the singer/dancer is on!
Only 200. I'm going to struggle. But this very old song I happened across randomly not long ago definitely makes the cut. Oops, wrong thread!
LOL. Guilty pleasure for me too... Where do ideas like that come from? A cossack dancing disco tune... Hilarious.