Closer we get the more I'm thinking it'll be a score draw and both sides will probably be relieved/happy with it.
I predict that Luca will be wearing a pair of tight shorts as he'll only need small pockets to contain Barry Bannan Results wise I'm going for 1-1 though I'll settle for 4-0
It’s on sky Wednesday on a Tuesday The end of our unbeaten run Just the one goal In the 10th minute of injury time Due to 3 reds being dismissed COYR
1-1. Screamer from Phillips, deflected pot shot from their excuse for a scabby donkey of a striker (then their oinker fans celebrate like it's the World Cup)
A real pasting dished out to the Owls and their stand emptied by the 80th minute. Only a hundred or so stay to the end so that they can abuse Moore as he walks up the tunnel.