Anyone know if he managed to get round? Or get out in 1 piece. What a prize numpty. We got there and he was stuck right across the road. Kept on trying as well despite people walking infront and behind of him. Caused a massive crush which then caused scuffles between Reds and Wednesday fans. Did worry about his safety at one point- someone opened his passenger door called him a "fu**ing p**ck" and slammed it shut. He seemed very rattled just wondered what the end outcome was? .
the white one with the old bloke in it? how he even managed to get the car in that position is beyond me. was also a big X5 thing diagonally across at the bottom, stopping any movement either way. blows my mind what they're thinking, trying to get up or down there at that time
That's the fella. I did wonder how he managed to get that angle in the first place with all the crowd. He looked terrified to be honest as getting (rightly) grief from all sides. And as you say nightmare at the bottom with the Mexican standoff and crowds getting up there. Accident waiting to happen
Also, for the 900th time in recent weeks, a coach got stuck on the corner of Bala Street and Windmill Road trying to get to the Queens Road car park pre game. 450,000 plod on overtime but no one stopping coaches driving up that way even though it happens nearly every week
This sounds like the kind of thing the police should be on hand to resolve safely. I'm guessing they didn't.
I honestly don’t know why the police are allowing cars up and down there on match days anyway. It’s carnage every time. Drivers being threatened and car doors kicked. But perhaps the road can’t be closed?
Crazy any vehicle would try and get up or down there when they know a Football match is on, nevermind being daft enough to do a u turn.
Felt for him you can get in some daft situations in life , he’d excelled. Hope he’s wiser and none the worse for the experience
I was anxious for him. Yes not the best bit of driving but he reminded me of my grandad when he got a bit older and became a more nervous driver. He’d just got half way down and panicked. I’m sure he didn’t intend on causing the hassle, and thought the abuse was unnecessary
Thing is all this is stopped by someone closing the road for 20 mins at full time. Can't be that hard can it? Some point soon there will be a serious incident up there.......
Reading pork talk was funny, thought that they could pressure Isted because he'd only played 16 first team games. As if!
Yesterday's incident - car coming down doing at least 20mph, rather large lady in passenger seat yelling at everyone to "get out the f*&#ing road" while her partner hit the accelerator scattering pedestrians out the way. At about 1705. Anyone interested I contacted club safety officer after the Weds game. As I suspected outside their jurisdiction and he forwarded my email to the council road's Dept. Not going to hold my breath
The car was lucky not to have the windows smashed and dints booted into their doors. Could easily have had their doors opened to be dragged from their vehicle for a beating. Wasn't a good situation.
Incredible that an army of stewards are being used to enforce certain chants within the ground whilst a serious RTI is likely to happen outside the ground due to the various authorities not taking control of traffic management. I sincerely hope that I’m proven wrong.
Hope our club don't try and pass the buck and do all they can to get it sorted. If someone died after a game on there you can bet the club would mention it on the official site, look out for the family and support stuff like fundraising or minutes applause during the game. But there is every chance the family of a deceased may not want any of that because they feel had road safety outside Oakwell on matchdays had been better, the person would still be alive. Let's not risk getting to an horrific situation. Just shut the road off top and bottom to cars for a measly 15 minutes from 5 pm. That shouldn't be difficult.