Bullpoo waffle Bullpoo waffle Bullpoo waffle lie fib deceive waffle bluster waffle lie Bullpoo waffle bluster Bullpoo insincere apology Bullpoo waffle etc etc etc
To be fair he has got a decent defence, ie that he is so stupid that he didn't realise he was at several parties....
I like the fact he says that No 10 is a small town house where it is impossible to socially distance, but then says he had no idea about the Christmas party that was in the corridor outside his apartment. It can’t be one and not the other
And appears to believe that alcohol is required to get through the working day - most places I've worked for the last 20 years its an instant dismissal...
His entire defence seems to be that it was essential to have these gatherings to "thank" staff. Complete nonsense.
On a related matter, this country would be in a much better place politically if the 29 MPs (Boris included) that voted against the Northern Ireland deal were fired into the sun.
What's the sun ever done to deserve such vile contamination? I'd rather they were put to work cutting cabbages in the fields of Lincolnshire.
Boris Johnski having his career/reputation completely ruined forever will hopefully be the first baby step in recovering Britain's political landscape
A serial liar. Swearing on the bible was the first lie. I wouldn't believe that B'std if he swore on his family's Life. And I think he'd have the audacity to say it.
IIRC not many of his kids are actually talking to him so he could probably pick any of the older ones and not care too much. The (presumed) youngest two would result in a withdrawal of privileges from his current wife so he'd probably not go that far unless he has a mistress lined up.
Boris lovers (hybristophiliac......some who is attracted to someone who commits crimes), claim that he was good because he got the big calls right, almost Churchillian in that respect. But which big calls did he get right? It appears he didn't actually make any decisions. By his own words, he followed the advice he was given. It was them, it wasn't me. So someone else made those big calls that went right (remind me again?). He can't have it both ways. Over a £million we're paying for his defence team.
Instant dismissal at just about every place I've worked for 20 years. No drinking during or after hours - and some have had breathalysers that they used first thing and after lunch to cut down on the big nights and lunchtime pints. But, in parts of London its seen as part of the job...