Exactly. We were living in extraordinary times. An appropriate way to thank them would have been a warm letter/email copied around the relevant department and maybe suggesting a get together once things had improved. His actions smack of a sense of entitlement and privilege.
The building I worked in for the Civil Service had 8 floors and the benefit I worked for in the DWP occupied 3 of those 8. We were told that it had to be work specific and even then, run it by your manager if you needed to go onto another floor. The regular practice of Going to tea-points/food areas on another floor to Spend your break with a friend was a big no no. As already been said, the consuming of, or being under the influence of alcohol was simply not allowed under any circumstances.
It's his shapeshifting way. He's being scrutinised over whether he 'knowingly' lied to Parliament, so his defence is simply that he believed that wrong was right. If he were to face another enquiry on another matter, he would present a defence that completely contradicted what he'd said the previous day. All he does is play the system for his own benefit. The fact that it still has not caught up with him shows how badly in need of reform our political systems are.
It’s not about social gatherings etc - there were 126 fines in Downing Street (the worst in the country) - it’s about did he recklessly mislead the HoC about it on a number of occasions - of course he did! Unlike the directive from the Tory Animal Farm policy, “believe the evidence of your eyes” he held everyone in contempt (including the apologists in his cult) - he’s laughing at everyone
No drinking after hours! That seems a bit extreme. Never worked anywhere where people were breathalysed but I did once fire a guy who was too drunk to work. Years ago we used to go for a lunchtime pint on Fridays but haven’t done that since the ‘90’s
Shows how skewed British politics has become - guy presides over a totally incompetent government which has resulted in long-term misery for millions yet he's not called to book about that - Caught eating pizza the wrong place and at the wrong time and his career is on the line. And whilst the Johnson saga hogged the news channels barely a mention was made of the rise in inflation - the first for three months which was announced yesterday.
That’s massively underplaying what he has done and what he’s about. I’ve seen plenty of coverage regarding the inflation rise, You can argue about the quality/ content of that coverage depending on which channel news you watch, but there has been plenty