Why do we need offers on . playing great football and challenging for automatic promotion If they don’t come now they never will
Maybe cos it’s 4 quid for a square of cheese and 8 quid a day to keep warm,were you Marie Antoinette in a previous life ,better get some cake in the snack bars
What about a QUARTER season ticket... just charge a quarter of the original ST price and maybe include a free shirt or something (if we have surplus left that we're selling off, or maybe even just a scarf)? Could be an idea, a week to sort before next game. @YTBFC
I think you've missed Barnsley Loyal's point a little bit. I understand there will be people who simply can't afford to go at the minute, and even with offers in place, it doesn't change the state of the country at present. However many did say when there were discussions on how to improve the atmosphere, that the only way to do so is to consistently win games or put in good performances. The squad are currently obliging, so that on its own should be the motivation most need to get themselves down to Oakwell.
I'm unsure if changing prices at short(ish) notice is possible. It may have changed, as it's not something that's been discussed in the last few years, but it used to be that prices were agreed for games months in advance and they couldn't change them at short notice (even if they wanted to). I suppose, looking at this from the club's / owners point of view, it probably doesn't make a great deal of sense financially to do so. (Of course, it might make more sense from a marketing/future attendance/cost of living/extra season ticket revenue point of view) but I'll bet a large proportion of those that have come back in recent weeks will be back for more games because it's been such a good time to be at Oakwell and the work done to improve the atmosphere has really made a huge difference. Would be great to see the ground full till the end of the season though
That will bring some back - there's been a guy near me last few games who said he hadn't renewed due to the state of the club at the end of last season but he had been impressed enough by results and other activities to make a return. But on the other hand, families are feeling the squeeze financially. Football IS a luxury, no matter how many of us may say it's one of our priorities it still comes after the mortgage/rent, light and heat, food, school uniform, car etc etc. If a short term deal gets folk through the turnstyle and into the stadium I'm all for it.