Surely some oorta cabin toilets be put in. Gillingham had building sute tyoe toileyts in te away end last time I went , and a mobile burger bar cafe could be usef
Blackpool's temporary stand just has a few portaloos at the back. Can't see why we can't do the same.
There's probably an element of this too. How many times would it have been used this season? Wednesday, Derby and possibly Ipswich? Might not be worth the cost and hassle. The banner in that section would need to be relocated too.
Goldyloppers trittly-how in the early mordy, and she falolloped down the steps. Oh unfortunade for cracking of the eggers and the sheebs and the buttery full-falollop and graze the knee-clappers. So she had a Vaselubrious, rub it on and a quick healy huff and that was that. Stanley Unwin (comedian)
Didnt they pull down the toilets for press area, surely if they opened the central gate people could use the south sid toilets
Maybe. Unless the people in charge of security worry that this might allow fans into the dressing rooms. Plus most people want access to these facilities before the match or at half time - which is the same time that players, coaching staff and match officials are moving through that area.
Unwin might have been a one trick pony, but there's an intelligence at work there. I'm not sure I can be so kind about Jack Douglas. Eh? Phwaay! Gerroff!
I was watching a Stanley Unwin doc other day. Interesting bloke. Fascinating how it's gibberish, but you can still pretty much work out what he's saying. Similar to Anthony Burgess' 'Nadsat' language, if you've ever read A Clockwork Orange.