I love a 'Fake Sheikh' ... and how the hapless egits are reeled in, eyes on the filthy lucre. Hancock's experience with COVID showing - he's clearly much better at bluffing than Kwarteng.
Best bit is Karsi Kwarteng actually trying to negotiate a lower rate. Who’s have thunk that a bloke who crashed the economy within 15 seconds of being Chancellor wouldn’t understand numbers. I for one am shooketh
Why would anyone pay 10k per day for Hancock. Whilst he has degrees in philosophy politics and economics only the latter has even a modicum of validity and relevance unless backed up by practical application and common sense (something Hancock seems devoid of based on the situations he finds himself in base on decisions he makes). It is safe to assume then that his sole USP is his list of contracts within Govt. Basically these 'consultancy' roles that so many MPs and ex MPs take on are in reality lobbying. They may well stay within the Parliamentary rules but are IMO unethical. Sitting MPs should no way have secondary jobs be they 1 day a week, month or year!
They only approached Kwarteng because I, and half of the rest of the population weren’t available, even though better qualified.
It’s obvious what these companies pay for. If you read down the list of 2nd jobs, you see cash paid by Banks, Energy companies, IT, Pharma etc. They pay money to MPs who have zero experience either academically (Didn’t study it at University) or don’t any have industry experience. These companies pay money for access to the decision makers and for lobbying purposes. It should be a National scandal, and 2nd jobs should be banned indefinitely. Why would a bank pay someone £180k for 38 hours of work in a year. That person has a Masters of Art Degree and has never worked in Financial Services. What exactly is he consulting them on?
It makes me laugh that the Tories are now busy defending themselves, claiming what they did was “within the rules”. They are totally missing the point. They are seen in the video asking for huge sums of money to fly out and lend their services to a foreign company, when they are being paid very well to represent their constituents and, you know, run this country. Kwarteng and Hancock have just hammered the final nails in their political coffins, but I’m concerned about Sir Graham Brady. If he loses his seat who’s going to organise the 6 monthly Tory leadership contests? When Labour get in they need to make a point and ban, or severely restrict, second jobs.
Considering the spineless, believe in nothing soft Tory that’s stolen the party had to be blocked from doing exactly this I’ll not hold my breath.
Then you have this numpty actually stating that there is no requirement for second jobs and then getting himself one. Hypocrite springs to mind
Brill. The single most awful man I have ever met was one of the senior partners at Mischon de Reya. He was just horrible and thought he could get his way just by being a bully and throwing his weight around, but it was a policy point on one of the company’s insurance policies he was up against, which was based upon financial/employment law, so there was no way he could have what he wanted. Didn’t stop him banging his fist on the table and demanding it for half an hour though. An absolute [I won’t bother typing it, because it will just be asterisked out!]. However, the other thing about that law firm was that I have never known a place where there was a higher percentage of beautiful women amongst the female employees, even including Hooters bar on Hollywood Boulevard. It was almost as if it was company policy. Indeed, when we sold our house in north London to move back up here and the bloke told us that he was a chef and his girlfriend worked for a legal firm I knew exactly who she worked for before she opened her mouth, because she was stunning. Incidentally, she said that this horrid partner I met was ‘lovely’, so methinks he is behind the ‘only employ dolly birds’ policy. As I’ve travelled around, I’ve found that every girl I’ve ever met from Winchester is also very easy on the eye, so just imagine someone who is from Winchester and works at Mishcon de Reya…
Just watched the Kwarteng and Brady interview videos. It is staggering that Kwarteng ever made it into Parliament, let alone to being Chancellor, his interview is just an absolute shambles. Him, and the likes of Raab, Braverman, Patel, Williamson, Jenrick, Shapps (or whatever name he is going by this week) getting cabinet roles are the result of Johnson getting rid of anyone that didn't think Brexit was a good idea, and the fact that to think Brexit was a good idea, you'd have to be a moron. The Brady interview is fairly tame, he seems a bit guarded, and keen to avoid any answers that would lead to accusations of lobbying. But, given he already has a gazillion jobs, he's a past master in how to answer these questions. I wonder if any of Altrincham's citizen's can ever get him on a Zoom call, given he is their MP? I dread to think what Hancock will have said.
Brady is my MP, I have had several correspondences with him in the past, he just avoids answering directly and bats you back what he wants to say, he's either very clever or his staff are at not getting entangled in anything. He is as oily as he looks.
Slight correction, he has one degree - a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics - and a Masters (MPhil in Economics) from Oxford and worked at the Bank of England before going into politics. While he is a sniveling, greasy, useless little twunk, he does at least have the education and experience that might be useful in some quarters - and he managed to talk his last assistant into bed in office time, so he can turn on the charm...
Yerbut..I am sure there are people with better recent commercial experience /qualifications and a better 'fit' that would be far less than 10k per day. So my point still stands that he is in demand would be for 'who' rather than 'what' he knows As regards his ..ahem...assistant. Power, like money, is a powerful draw for some women. Better still if you have both!
Part of Thatcher's undoing was she removed or forced out anyone with a modicum of talent, commons sense or intelligence that represented a threat to her domination, surrounding herself, instead with spineless 'yes men'. I remember the classic spitting image sketch along teh lines of ... Thatcher sitting at a table in a restaurant with her cabinet members... " I'll have Steak raw and bloody" " Waiter- " And what about the vegetables madam?" Thatcher "Oh! They'll have the same as me". For starters Give them all a payrise. Ban second jobs for duration as an MP and provide a building with accommodation close to parliament /daily rate subsistence for late sittings and those with constituencies a long way from London etc. Abolish expense payments for 2nd homes.