We were ****-a-hoop at beating Wednesday the other night. But it seems any old random bunch of cloggers can beat em. Doesn't look so impressive now!
I must admit to being surprised at that result. Didn't look like a loseable one in the big scheme. Think I might have a bacon buttie...
Well, I think everyone had got that down as an away win. It's definitely game on now, we can go up automatic....
Best case scenario is promotion. Worst case scenario is playing Leyton next year (no disrespect to them of course)
I read on the Derby forum that every team playing them sees it as their cup final too. That's a lot of Cup Finals. It also means we've won three trophies this season. That's good going. We'll have to get a bigger cabinet at this rate.
The wheels have come off for Wednesday. We are still behind them but there is a cherry we can bite now.
Wow. I knew we'd have one of the youngest but THE youngest - we've got to be pleased with that. As for Wednesday - 29.2yrs average. When you consider that's the average, how many must be over 30? No wonder we had them done like a kipper when we brought fresh legs on. Duff had their number, good and proper.