I've not seen it mentioned on here. It has been in the news, but sort of hidden if you aren't looking for it. Do people know? Suspect some of you don't, it might scare some older users. https://www.gov.uk/alerts Maybe it's not been mentioned as people think it's a good idea. I must admit (and I'm probably wrong), that it seems quite sinister but not sure why. https://inews.co.uk/news/technology...-settings-iphone-android-when-uk-test-2232248
I think it is potentially a good idea and has been shown to be effective in other countries. There is some concern that people with a second phone i.e. people in abusive relationships, are going to get this brought to the other person's attention if they do not know about the alerts or know how to disable them. I can imagine a few cheaters might get caught too (hopefully).
In principle its a good idea though I dont trust this governments motives some info on disabling it for any that may wish to do so here https://www.westmidlands-pcc.gov.uk...o-disable-governments-emergency-alert-system/
Many people still question the lockdowns. This has a similar 'big brother' feel. I agree with Farnham in distrusting this governments' motives.
I must admit when I read a news article on it my jaded souls barely registered it. I’m guessing it’s going to replace the early warning sirens when Russia launch a nuke at us from Belarus.
Did you feel the same about the multiple lockdowns, bizarre rules, and control? Especially given for example what has since come out in terms of the politicians and those in control doing their very best to 'scare the pants off the general public' into compliance. Problem-solution-control. Just another tool for fear-mongering. And if a nuke is on its way id sooner it landed on top of me than suffer the zombie fallout tbh. Isnt it like 20 mins for a nuke to travel from russia? By the time they've found out about it and finished looking at each other thinking do we send this, it will be here anyway.
The notifications are for...severe flooding...extreme weather or fire...do you really need an app to warn you about those or can you just open your eyes?
I have no problem with the notification. I have questions as to why it disables your phone until you acknowledge it. That doesn't sit right with me.
I can be switched off on iPhone just go to notifications scroll down to the bottom and it says switch off extreme alerts and severe alerts
You need to seperate out government policy that you don't agree with and a tool to communicate it. They're not trying to control ppl, they're building a capability to be able to use to one way inform of key government, life affecting news.
I'm pretty sure after a heated debate with my father in law last week that he found a press release on gov.uk that found out this was b.llocks. It's the 2023 equivalent of 3G will give you brain tumours.
In fact, the actual f.cking text message says: This is a test of Emergency Alerts, a new UK government service that will warn you if there’s a life-threatening emergency nearby. In an actual emergency, follow the instructions in the alert to keep yourself and others safe. Visit gov.uk/alerts for more information. This is a test. You do not need to take any action. Yet folk are going on the internet claiming they're gonna block your phone. It's crackers.
I'm afraid you're incorrect https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/65026368 The alert will last around ten seconds and you'll need to tap the message to clear it and carry on using the device.
You're wrong mate, doesn't matter how much you shout or call people crackers. You have to interact with the message to unlock your device once the message is received.
I've misunderstood the concerns - my bad. I was under the impression ppl thought they would be without their phone for a day if they didn't acknowledge it whereas it's 10 seconds. Again - feels pretty reasonable imho. If there's an imminent nuclear explosion coming my way, I'd quite like my phone to force me to see the message. But suppose that's just me.
Does that mean you have to tap to clear it if you want to use your phone just within those 10 seconds or at any point afterwards?
I'm not sure 'it won't work' is accurate. I *assume* your screen will be taken over by the message but pretty sure it will still function as a phone receiving data etc, messages available to read post dismissal of alert. All of this is very much assumption mind.
It's not 10 seconds. That's the length of the alert. The message remains and your device won't operate until you clear the message. It's my phone. I don't want a government who demonstrably lies and I simply don't trust to have the power to disable my phone.