67.. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/mar/29/paul-ogrady-presenter-and-comedian-dies-aged-67
Dear me -saddened by that. He seemed like a good egg. (I know we're all supposed to be living longer, but the number of cases I've encountered recently where that isn't the case makes me think I should quit my energy-sapping job and do something else).
Oh that’s a shame. He was really good in the Battersea Dogs Home programme and in his Radio 2 Sunday show until they eased him out by forcing him to share the slot. RIP Paul
Sad news that. Very funny and not afraid to speak his mind. A story on GMB this morning stood out how he was best friends with Cilla Black even though she loved Margaret Thatcher. You don't have to agree with the opinions of someone to get close to them. Not sure about the press calling it a shock and unexpected when the poor man over the years has had kidney issues and survived three heart attacks. He has battled through a lot and broke down a lot of barriers with Lily Savage.
RIP Paul, Not particularly my type of humour but he was a leader in his field and a thoroughly good man.
If you afford it, do it. I’ve never regretted changing careers for the sake of my sanity and being able to have a life outside of work.
RIP, didn’t particularly like his act, but on a personal basis he always seemed a very decent bloke with a good heart. Bloody hell though 67, no age, very sad!
Makes you think, it's my 67th birthday tomorrow. I never really watched him either as Lilly Savage or himself but he seemed a decent enough bloke. RIP.
Had about 8 dogs he gave home to from Batersea so wasn’t just turning up for the cash,they will be wondering where he as gone ,you can’t explain to a pet