Who’d win? What happened there then with the megaphone? Never seen the Ponty end less bothered about what’s happening on the pitch ll
It was indeed provided by JAQ and at the least they’ve told him not to use it anymore. Poor from the stewards.
I don’t particularly want to see Granty’s gut on display! But he does a top job getting Ponte going, it’s all good!
Every time he does the bounce it sets off the ‘we all hate Leeds scum’ chant which sets off the IRA chanting…..
the maga fone was given to granty by julieanne quay at the wednesday match which he used all match .The bigger issue was the fact they sent up 9 stewards to take it off him which was a bit ott and then tried kicking granty and myself out cos the megafone was passed up the ponty .We also had a 10 year old kid grantys son with us who was upset with the goings on ,very unprofessional by the fat steward and the one with the orange jacket in my opinion
The stewards who seem to believe that they can do what they want whenever they want to anyone they want. They have no right to search anyone and no powers of detention other than a citizen's arrest if they believe you're committing a criminal act. Yet some of them act as though they are a swat team. The ones who do a decent job are tarred with the same brush.
They are pathetic cowards. Do nowt if it’s a team of lads but love a soft target. Blokes with kids etc and they’ll throw hands or manhandle to their hearts content. Big Boy with ‘Team Leader’ vibes wants a slap.
Completely agree and for a bit of balance, at HT at the Wednesday game I somehow dropped my season ticket. One of the stewards under the Ponty noticed me looking around for it and offered her help. She promised that she'd look for it when they did their post-match sweep and would hand it in if found. She also took my name, seat number etc and confirmed she'd let the office know so that if and when I contacted them they'd be aware. As it turned out I did find it and let her know but she went out of her way to be helpful. I wonder if a lack of communication with stewards about Granty's megaphone was the issue yesterday as I can't believe they would've been so heavy handed had they known. Nevertheless, it was a really good illustration of how unhelpful the behaviour of a minority of them can be. I suspect (and hope) there may be conversation with the head of stewarding on Monday.