Surprised so few have gone for the second option, a win at Wembley against the Wendies, doing the treble! I'd be a bag of nerves beforehand, but since the poll guarantees a win I'm going for this one!
Automatic so we are done and dusted then sit back and watch the fowls season completely fall apart by losing in the play offs after they thought they'd be promoted by Easter a few weeks ago
Automatic . I'd want wendy to come up n'all. Short trip to sty or long trek to Ipswich would be a no brainer for me. Be nice to do the double over em again as well.
Agreed mine is mid June though it does occasionally clash with a World Cup game (not this time though) but that’s hardly the same
No brainer for me. Getting promoted automatically and watching the piggies fail abjectly in the play offs would be brilliant!!!!