Thank you for the messages of concern about saturday . Just to let you all know im ok now but was very upset in the moment and still considering going on monday thanks to andy clarke who really helped me on saturday when my mum took me down onto the concourse he came to make sure i was ok. so thanks again young granty
Good for you. Main thing is you're ok. Bottom line is there are always nobs and nasty folk in whatever sphere and Oakwell has them. Overall though there are more decent folk than nobs
Glad to know you're ok lad, don't be put off coming to Oakwell we need you there loud & proud - just like yer dad!
Dunt let one idiot spoil your enjoyment big lad...being a Red is a lifetime commitment and yll still be hitting the highs and lows when that berk is long departed...COYR
Like any profession stewarding has it's little big men overcompensating for a deficiency in their lives. Don't let it get you down. The man in the orange coat probably has a small ego deep down and little self esteem.