It suits his agenda and will aid his presidential bid. He's a moron, a racist, a sexist and a tax-dodger BUT he really does know how to spin things and foment unrest. Other Republicans wont know how to react. He's clever even though he's a complete twa.t
Stormy Daniels said they had an affair, Trump said they didn’t. Who are you going to believe, the fake blonde with big t!t$, or Stormy Daniels
Unreal int it? He'll win the presidency cos of this. Dark times ahead. I still struggle to see though why people dont realise he's a complete wan.ker. I've gradually come to terms with the fact though that people don't vote for genuine, nice people with sensible ideas. They vote for 'action', bravado, jokes, anti-enemy comments and anything else that titillates. I must be thick as fook for voting for what I think are genuine policies.
I wasn't sure before this, but I reckon people saying he wanted this to happen are correct, I have no doubt he'll win nomination over DeSantis now. Especially because the next in-person court date has been set a couple of months before the start of the republican primaries - which will 100% feed into it being a political ploy by Trump's/republican's supporter base
I see that Trump Jnr has just posted a picture of the judges daughter on social media stating that she worked on the Biden/Harris campaign at the last elections and that the whole process is politically motivated and a conflict if interest. He has probably put her in the sights of the lunatics that support Trump and should now be held accountable for his actions
His problem however is that if he's convicted of any of the 34 charges read to him today or found guilty of causing the insurrection of January 6th or trying to manipulate the vote in the Georgia election or its proved that he knowingly held on to documents at Mara Largo; he cannot stand for re-election. That's a lot of bullets to dodge.
Dark times ahead ,it’s 10 percent inflation,no one can afford to heat their house and Russia could nuke us any day soon ?,think those dark times are here pal
Russia nuke us? You must be joking. The Tories, strong as ever on defence have just announced that anyone with relevant photo id can apply for a special umbrella which will deflect any thermonuclear bomb. You have to prove residency, be white, not on benefits, earn over 100000 a year and sign a pledge that you're not a woke tofu eating guardian reader. Umbrellas are provided by Matt Hancocks mate, totally non-corrupt. You've no faith. Be proud to be British and stop thinking negatively.
When we watched a bit of his debate with Hillary Clinton back in the day I drunkenly bet my girlfriend £50 that he'd serve three terms as president. We both laughed at the time, but it hasn't yet been called in...
“There is no constitutional bar on a felon running for office,” according to Richard Hasen, an election law professor at UCLA Law School. Applies even if he were to be jailed, apparently.