He can be charged with treason for attempting to raise an insurrection and potentially the same and espionage for the Mara Largo documents affair.Either one of those preclude him from holding office. Granted the Stormy Daniels charge does not but there is a possibility that Georgia could be construed as crossing the line too.
Indeed sir! Fourteenth Amendment? I think the 6 January incident would take an eternity to resolve and would surely end up somehow in the Supreme Court. The Georgia interference looks more open and shut - the evidence is already fully in the public domain. You'd imagine that one would get to charge first.
A President can only serve two terms under the constitution. That is why Obama or Clinton didn't stay longer - or Reagan.
She’s robbed you there, fair play. Not going to happen without a total collapse of the US. Needs 2/3 of both houses of congress to propose it and then needs to be accepted by at least 38 states. In fairness i don’t think a total collapse of the US is a 0% chance, but you’re running out of time, he’s knocking on a bit. Also I did see trump a few years ago try and claim that he should be allowed 3 terms because democrats “ruined” his first one, but i don’t think even the most trump loving judges would fall for that one.
I’ve got a mate who’s a dead ringer for Trump, so much so that when we’re out you can see folk trying to take sneaky photos, they’ll even asked for selfies, it was quite funny at first but now she hates it.