If I'm not mistaken that was the game whereby Winston kept taunting Kenny Burns with hand gestures to come and try to get the ball off him... After the game finished Clarkey made Winston go and apologise to Burns for his actions and told him he needed to show an old pro some respect ....Burns who had a reputation for being a no nonsense take no prisoners type didn't faze Winston at all. Winston being no stranger to the boxing ring and a tad handy with his fists Away from the game Winston was a lovely lad ...very polite well mannered thoughtful and caring ...he went out for some length of time with the daughter of someone I knew well at the time.
During Machins first full season Brian McCord was getting his usual crap from lads in Brewery. He found himself near touch line hands on hips one of fellas gave it him " COME ON McCOOOERD WHATS UP WE THI?" he looked straight at him and said "I'm tired"
One I remember from the old reserves league (probably about 1992) ws the reds attacking the Ponty end and Rammell not really busting a gut to get to the ball. A bloke I was standing near (he knew a couple of people that I knew) shouted out "c'mon Rammell. you're supposed to be a werk 'orse!!". The ball had gone our for a corner. Can't remember who whipped the ball in, but Rammell did what he did and powered through a defender or 2 and sent a powerful header into the net. He then proceeded to run towards the South Terrace looking for the source of the comment, whereby the rest of us helped to shield the aforementioned culprit by pointing at him. Technically this is a goal moment but the funny side wasn't the goal. Does it count?
Hecky telling winnall to do one after we played Wednesday in that 1-1 draw. 2017 was it? Adam Davies saving the pen away at pompey under stendel.