5 newspapers had the wife of William Windsor going to church.on the front page today. Another had his dad and step-mother pictured. only 3 of the "nationals" did not feature them on the front page. What is newsworthy about going to church on Easter Sunday?
Jeez...'Poor' little lad.. 2023 and dressed like Little Lord Fauntleroy... shirt , suit jacket, collar and tie, 'Bermuda style short trousers, knee length socks and black shiny shoes. Can imagine how he would get treated if he turned up at your average state school dressed like that! I am not anti monarchy but that picture and those of the Coronation coaches suggest the 'modernisation of the monarchy is still a long long way off. So much for a 'toned down' ceremony in these hard times. Still, come Coronation day the route will no doubt lined with loads of old biddies swathed in union flags having camped out all night to get the 'best spots' waving their little flags so they get a fleeting glimpse of someone for several seconds, wait a few hours and see the return (for several seconds) before being interviewed by sychophantic TV reporters and declaring it to be one of the 'greatest moments f their lives' Still...if f it makes them happy!!
The majority of the nationals are pretty right wing and it suits their agenda to pander to the flag waving frothy mouthed little englander types. They are bound to to be massive royalists. I’m probably a bit of an outlier in that I’m left wing but not entirely anti-royal - I also don’t look at or buy papers so I’ve no idea which papers you are referring to - but I’m going to have a guess and suggest that one of the ‘nationals’ that doesn’t feature the royal family on its front cover will be one of few that is accepted to be more left leaning, the guardian? Other than that, the mirror is allegedly still left leaning but I suspect the tabloids will all feature them. One things for sure, the times, the Torygraph, the daily heil and the bloody sun will all have them featured, I’m pretty confident of that.
It's simply because it was Easter Sunday yesterday. One of the few days left that genuinely is a holiday. Not just in this country but many countries. Businesses close or continue with a skeleton staff. Nothing much gets done so there's little news and few journalists to report it as they're on holiday too. They know where the Royal family will be, know exactly what will happen so can write the copy and mock up the pages in advance, filling place holders with contemporary photos and few lines of text. You're rarely going to get hard hitting news in the dailies on Easter Monday or Boxing Day, but they have to fill the space with something.
Easter is a huge holiday for religiously for the UK and so it's hardly surprising the front pages today are showing our Royal family celebrate it.
It would be newsworthy if it was me they took a photo of going to church , in fact it would be a massive scoop , simply because I don"t go , not knocking those that do but its not for me .
Millions of people go the church but very few get front page exposure for doing so. It is NOT news. it is monarchist propaganda.
Sorry my friend it is not monarchist propaganda , they did not print it , have a go at the journalists by all means for it is down to them what they report not the people they badger .
I disagree. These photo opportunities are set up for the press. They could easily attend church discretely out of sight of the photographers.
On Easter Sunday , discreetly out of sight ? are you suggesting that the church should move the service to the cover of darkness ? Sorry I am no royalist but they should be allowed to go to church without being badgered by the press , its down to the press for me nothing to do with the monarchy at all but we will have to agree to differ but remember they do not get the title of gutter press without earning it .
Absolute load of $hite. My Twitter feed yesterday, was filled with vile Tories asking everyone to 'show compassion to all on this very special day'. The other 364 days a year they dedicate their lives work to creating division and making people suffer. But they give it a rest for one day a year, and ask everyone else to join them. The hypocrisy of religion...and Tories...makes me wretch.