Manager of season - McKenna, Moore or Schumacher Player of season- Bannon, Clarke-Harris, Collins (Brizzle one not Brad) Young player - Raz-Sahki, Mumba, Humpreys (Ipswich - me either) Couple of thoughts- manager no Duff really? Player - can't argue for any of ours really. Seems right. Young player- this is nonsense. First 2 fair enough. Had to Google the Ipswich lad and he has only played 17 times this season (2 goals 4 assists). That's mental - surely must be heaps of more regular young players in league 1. Connell for a start. Who picks this?
Hasn’t Duff won the manager of the month award enough times to keep the trophy? They must be just wanting to give others a chance
Players are nominated by Managers in respective league and totals are added up for short list. Can’t find anything about Managers but would guess it’s similar. They seem to have hedged their bets with who would win league.
I think Mads should have been shortlisted for player of the season and you’d think Connell would have been a no brainer for young player!?
Meh. Plymouth I understand, but the difference in player budget between us and Ipswich/Wednesday makes a bit of a mockery of it tbh. They seem to have just gone with who they think will finish top 3, which seems largely pointless, but hey.
Agree it's nonsense for Duff not to be nominated, but fantastic we've Jalo competing for Apprentice of the Season & he'd be a much deserved winner.
Very strange these shortlists. No nomination for Heckingbottom in the Championship!? Top two for majority of season and a FA Cup semi final berth...Bizarre.
If there's a better young player (or even player) in this division than Luca Connell I haven't seen him.
Manager - Schumacher or Duff surely given what they have to work with. Player / Young Player - Genuinely couldn't give two hoots as it's the team/squad that matters although the best three young players I've seen this season are Stansfield, Connell and Mumba. These three are several country miles ahead of the rest. I'd give it Stansfield as I think he's brilliant and has destroyed us twice but what marks Connell out from all the rest is that he isn't a loan from a Premier (or recent Premier) League club. These awards are further devalued by Millwall being up for a 'Crowd Innovation Award' btw!
Well, you may laugh. But the police can use the imprints left by each of the personalized knuckedusters to trace the offender every time someone is beaten up in the area.
Agree on Mads, as he has to be one of the best defenders outside of the Premier League. With Luca, I think the young player limit is being under 21 within the current season & he turns 22 next week (otherwise agree with you on that too )
This for me. Especially Duff given his numerous manager of the month awards and the veritable shitshow he inherited. Amazing turnaround
I imagine Edwards not being nominated has something to do with his very limited time at Watford? He spent 25% of the season there and had only 3 wins