On a slight aside, has anyone ever listened to the second verse of the original version of that jolly kids' song "The Sun Has Got His Hat On"?! I got a proper shock when I put it on for my daughter when she was little.
I can't imagine the agony of desperately trying to play it cool to make sure that's not the line she commits to heart and throws out at nursery or something!
I'd have no option other than to blame my 94 year old grandad. "Well, he must have been playing her his collection of 78's again..."
I think you may be mistaken.. Niggardly is in no way relevant to colour. It means stingy or miserly. The word dates back to the middle ages. 'N*gger brown' on the other hand which was a descriptive term once used does certainly have racial connotations . You might as well have picked a word at random to describe a suite colour which would have been equally irrelevant.
we used to sing that song in singing at first school in the early 80s. I don’t recal that verse maybe they changed it but maybe not
never understood that one! How could people of that generation use it so innocently given the name, and it was commonplace in the 50’s and 60’s.
Blimey, Tekkytyke, I think we are all aware of that! I think the wordplay in the original post was obvious enough to everyone.
There is an Italian cocktail called a Negroni. For those who worry about racist connotations ... "It was first requested by count Camillo Negroni in 1919, who wanted to have some gin in his Americano, an older, equally classical vermouth and Campari-based drink" hence the name.
Full term is call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel. it’s to do with accuracy. a 10” bas-tard file is just that. Not a 10” orphan file
The difference I hope is that having learned of the racist connotation you wouldn't then stick them on your windowsill for all to see.
And if you did, and the police took them off you and you were in the news for being a giant racist, you wouldn’t then go and get more and stick the new ones back on display too.
This is the big thing for me. I totally get that for all kinds of reasons, people might do, say or think something that is not intentionally offensive. It happens every day. What I don't accept is that they then still refuse to adjust their behaviour, even after they've been told that what they're doing is offensive to lots of people. Normal person: 'What you're doing is offensive to lots of people, because of a, b, c. Could you stop please?' Horrible bigot: 'That's ridiculous. I didn't even know about a, b, c' Normal person: That's perfectly understandable. So now you do know about a, b, c, and it's really upsetting people. So could you stop it please?' Horrible bigot: 'No. You're a snowflake. I now know about a, b, c, but I still don't care. I'm going to carry on. Because really I'm just a horrible bigot'
I definitely wouldn’t, and was quoting a personal example not an excuse so didn’t want any misunderstanding on what I meant. I never said there wasn’t a racial connotation that was attached to them in ensuing years, just that I never did when I was younger.
can’t help my meaning is being magnified into something else here JD I just said that until people started getting offended I genuinely just looked on them as another type of historical teddy and it was 60 odd years since!
You’re taking everything really personally and I don’t get why (genuinely don’t get why not a passive aggressive dig). Helen explained why this situation obviously doesn’t apply to you and I confirmed it by us both saying how what the pub owners are doing is very much racist and nothing at all like you.