Gone. Iconic fashion designer. I know she revolutionised dress codes and helped popularise mini skirts (along with other designers) and I hope she RIP, but I must confess to thinking a lot of her stuff was ugly and dull. As I said though RIP.
She did though, invent waterproof mascara for which most Wednesday fans should probably be extremely grateful, given that they spend so much time crying into their beer.
Mini skirts came in before tights so there was a short period when stockings and suspenders were worn along with short skirts. Remember it like it was yesterday mmmmmm.
I went to see her exhibition at the V&A a few years ago and I was captivated by her and her work. I think it's difficult to understand - and appreciate - as a man how liberating her ideas and designs were for young woman at the time. She definitely captured moment and made a successful career as a female designer and business woman which at that time was pretty unheard off. A true icon, trailblazer and role model for all. One of the good elements of the V&A show was the input from 'ordinary woman' which included stories of how Mary Quant affected their lives. A good example was how the workplace - at the time - was opening up to woman yet there were no stylish clothes for woman to wear to the office until Mary Quant started designing for them. I mentioned this to my Mum and she regaled her own Mary Quant story about my Gran making her an outfit from a Mary Quant dress pattern to go on her first foreign holiday. Fortunately enough, the show has been touring globally and will be opening in Glasgow soon which will give me the opportunity to take my Mum along to enjoy and no doubt reminisce.