Heavy disagree on Panic. Their entire first album is class. Vices and Virtues also. Try Mona Lisa by them. They got worse into the later albums imo, and I especially don’t rate High Hopes as a song
I’m more worried that nobody seems to know the Slits.. This is one of those threads, that could quickly embarrass it’s participants.
I was saddened to read of the death of Ari Up’s mum last week, John Lydon’s wife. John was a rock for her as she went through Alzheimer’s the last 10+ years. RIP Nora Forster.
Not even the best version, the original by King Harvest was better. I used to work in / own a record shop in Leeds in the late 90's to early 2000's selling new & used records & CDs & this was probably the most traded in CD of all time... Don't have nightmares of Jamie Oliver...
I agree, none of his later stuff displays the comic potential that Laughing Gnome showed he had in spades. Why on earth he went off in a completely different direction I'll never know, just think of the great career he could have had.
I saw The Slits back in the day... they were absolutely crap. They might be posh.. beautiful and intelligent but as a band they'd have been booed off in a charity gig.
Ha, ha, yes. I think it was John Peel who said the Slits were unique in that he'd never seen a band so determined to play music who absolutely couldn't. Apparently when Budgie joined that helped them become more coherent.
I don't use the term rubbish as invariably. it's more a case of not liking an artistes stuff. Eg I don't like Brian Ferry but he has millions of fans. So hardly rubbish. One album I bought 'Street fighting years' was on the strength of the Fantastic single 'Belfast child' by 'Simple minds.' Should have bought the single for my taste.
How You Remind Me by Nickelback is a real guilty pleasure of mine, despite Nickelback being absolutely awful.