It shocked me, never been a protest at the snooker before. Expect there'll be extra security when I go on Sunday.
"Protesting" has become the new, ubiquitous Rent-a-Mob activity. Through the years there have always been protests (Ban the Bomb, Greenham Common Ladies etc etc) but these latest outbreaks are just relentless. New day, new protest. Any event will do. Any busy road, town hall steps, oil refinery - you name it and there will be a protest group there shouting the odds and waving their banners while laughing and jumping up and down for the tv cameras. I have no interest in pub games like snooker and darts so have no idea what today's is all about. The fact is though that anybody these days with a grievance feels the need to demonstrate it to the whole world. Never mind criminal damage or wholesale disruption. They are in the right and that's all they care about.
Yes let’s just let the planet burn. Easy to see what the boomer generation would make of the suffragettes. They bombed theatres. Set fire to the homes of MPs and set about a level of civil disobedience that was unknown at the time. I bet the old duffers were tutting and telling them to know their place. Plus ca change and all that.
I think that's what it seems like rather than what it actually is. I think there are more nobs on the road these days but I'm probably wrong.
Just ban snooker, horse racing and oil, things will be better and these protesters won't have to do this sort of thing.