These days Stew, these days. You can't just oppress anyone these days Stew. What happens these days Stew is if you start exploiting people and degrading people and taking advantage of people, what happens Stew is that they stand up for themselves. It's terrible Stew. People think they should have the same rights as I've enjoyed Stew.
Having slept on it I think we all need to open our eyes to World Snooker’s destruction of the world through its control of global oil markets.
Brought attention to the cause. What does anyone remember about the tactics of the Suffragettes? The civil disobedience particularly around sporting events. Things don’t happen in isolation. The campaign that the suffragettes ran needs to be looked at in the whole. The range of things they did changed things.
I've slept on it and think it's the use of green baize that gives the tables too much of a resemblance to Beecher's Brook. World snooker should use Orange cloths in future.
I agree I think we are heading towards an extinction event which you could see as a natural thing where the planet cleanses itself. At the same time the personal is the political. Things change because people campaign in numerous ways not because big capital or vested interests want them to. Again the Suffragettes were in favour of the emancipation of all women but didn’t pack it in because their campaign didn’t lead to female emancipation in all countries. It was also primarily a middle class movement and I doubt women throughout the world had it as a must have above heating and eating.
Seriously!!?? You condone Anti-social activity and anarchy so long as it suits your 'agenda' Ironically bigoted post too pointing the finger at a specific generation and generalising over 'boomers' (falling into the trap of the current latest 'fad' of labelling everything and everyone).
Certainly it kept the issue in the public eye. But it was war, and the loss of so many men that women became the majority that meant it could no longer be sustainable to deny all women the vote.
Yes, but the issue gained attention/ debate by the initial protests. It wasn't the benign government saying bless you wonderful women, you deserve the vote.
The extinction of the Human race is inevitable. So is the extinction of every other species that has or ever will live, ensured by the very nature of the Universe and forces of entropy. I think in the shorter term we will adapt and Scientific ingenuity will find solutions. Though I expect this will still leave many to suffer as the majority of humans have throughout our history. I don't disagree that as a species we may be bringing forward our inevitable demise. However when I see what is happening in Ukraine and Sudan I find myself astonished people think we are capable of cooperation to the levels needed to control carbon emissions. We still haven't grown up enough to stop killing each other for no justifiable reason.
A coalition government, as I recall Helen. And no, the fellers only gave ground grudgingly - and still have a way to go, some would say.
Emily Wilding Davison. Now that WAS proper activism. Not these lightweights at the snooker or Grand National. If you truly believe your cause is just, you have to risk more than a a slap on the wrist. Says me, who only ever got a twisted ankle & a £50 fine for trespassing..