Really impressive stuff and a club that makes most of having thousands of fans around by being open to serve food at full time.
I didn't go last night but it looked very impressive when I jogged past a few weeks ago, and not rocket science. Literally a few very nice looking food trucks from local businesses, including an ale truck from a local brewery, and a seating area. Would be extremely easy to set up something similar at Oakwell. We have an outstandingly good burger van at the bottom of the car park for starters. Something like that, plus 2-3 other food trucks with some different options including veggie and vegan like pizza, curry, falafel, and an ale truck from Salt or another local craft brewery. Voila.
I know their CFO, Andrew. Used to live in Penistone. Absolutely sound bloke, has a background in food and loves his real ale too. Absolutely no surprise they’ve nailed this, if he’s had any say in it.
It was exactly the same at Bolton. Lots of food vans offering all sorts of stuff and several ale trucks, all pitched round the side of a covered area with a proper stage for music. Ours is basically just a really low rent version of that principle but it wouldn't take much to turn it into a proper effort. Part of the issue with ours is where it is. 50% of the fans never go round that corner. Even many of the ES fans go in via the turnstiles on the corner near the car park barrier.