Anyone know how bloke is who was being given CPR outside coached tonight it didnt look good. Fingers crossed he is okay
****. Just read this. Puts a goalless draw and a missed chance at automatic promotion into a bit of perspective. How awful. EDIT Hoyland reds have put a post out confirming someone passing away and naming him. I didn’t know him so wont repeat it on here but I can’t imagine going to a football game and not coming home. Sleep well mate.
He was a great lad, been a loyal red for a long time too. A great character who will be missed at football and around the crown green bowling circuit! RIP top man.
As an organiser of Hoyland Reds. I can sadly say the person died. The person in question is a man Called Anton Roberts. Keen Barnsley Fan along with many other members of his family (6 at the game last night) . He resided in Jump all his life. I was fortunate to grow up with Anton on the same street. An absolute kind considerate man. I'm 100% sure the family will appreciate your kind comments. I've been allowed to post on Hoyland reds Facebook page a comment from his brother. RIP mate.