Has been for months since the change of server. Apparently the only way to do it is to use a hosting site and copy the link. Can't be arsed personally so I haven't uploaded one since. Shame it can't be sorted.
I just reckon my accounts been blocked because of people not liking my filthy innuendos. I know I've had warnings off a couple of mods over it in the past. If they want to be all Mary Whitehouse that's up to them but their donuts will still look like fannies.
Personally, I think the only reason you're still here & aren't actually blocked is due to your filthy innuendos But yeah, pictures haven't worked for months for me either. Boo.
Its shame, because some of the visual content on here was really funny. As said above, there's a way round it via hosting sites, but I suspect that for the majority of users it's too much hassle. I've given up on it.
Raised this a few times over the past few months and referenced in Admin ( @Gally a couple of times. ) Unusually, he has not responded. Definitely used to work fine but the feature 'File' button on the reply bar disappeared after the server change just leaving 'Smilies', 'Image', 'Media', 'Insert'. The 'Image' button is the one used to post a URL from the internet. The missing 'File' button was the one that enabled Copy/Paste, Drag & Drop from the Desktop/Laptop PC. Although I have used Dropbox for stuff in the past, like others, I can't be ar*ed going through the process of uploading downloading etc. as you lose all the spontaneity when adding a picture to a thread post.
Think we should go mob handed and picket outside Gally's place with placards and a bullhorn and chant until the 'slacker' fixes the problem Anyone got any orange powder paint?