RIP Jerry I shared a hotel lift with him in London once he was with a very young blonde girl the week after she’d sold her story to a Sunday paper
Apologies Genuine question, if he had been 80 would you still have thought that it was no age? What's the cut-off? Genuinely intrigued.
Aim is to stay fit and healthy as long as possible, I don’t put an age on it, just worries me a bit when folks with his money start popping off. I know money can’t actually buy you health but it can give you an edge us ‘ordinary’ folk don’t have!
When my Mam passed away at 46 years old ( 51 years ago now) i was15 and truly thought she was really old. I'am 66 now and think 80 is young ,how you change as you get holder lol.
It's a long time since she passed but I am really sorry to hear you lost your mum at the age she was at, and the age you were at That must've been really hard. I know what you mean, I guess as you age your perspective shifts. A nurse recently said to my missus that we are still really young (we're both 36), and I thought I don't feel it! But the nurse was probably mid-late 40s.. When I was 18, 36 seemed ancient! I guess most people feel young in their minds whatever age they are, but the number on the tin says differently.
I've just retired from nigh on 40 years on the Post and my knees are knackered, hernia and varicose veins but in my mind i still feel young but much wiser which i wish we had when we were much younger lol. But i can still get to Oakwell, Rugby at Fev and holidays so i 'am better off then a lot of folk.
If we were too tired or skint to go out to a club at uni, staying at home with cheap wine and Springer was always a good reserve option for an evening's entertainment.
Just about hitting 55, I hope I've got more than 79 in me, that'd mean I'm more than ⅔'s in and I've got a lot more planned! Having said that, I didn't realise he was that old.
The absolute King of chat shows. I Married A Horse will never be beat. The likes of Oprah, Killroy, Ricki Lake, Kyle etc can only dream of a show title like that.
No idea what he was like as a person, but his programme was essentially the vanguard of modern exploitative tv, parading the disadvantaged, unfortunate and mentally ill for people to laugh at like a modern freak show.