There is a chance (if I get all four quarterly bonuses this financial year), that I'll hit that level and have the tax hit. I will grumble - and would be happier if it was spent better (nurses/teachers pay rises, etc) than on bungs to donors and vanity projects - but I am part of society and there may be times in the future when I need help. So, as a 50-something home-owner with no mortgage and a good salary I should be a prime Tory voter. But, the only way I'll ever vote Tory is at gunpoint - and only then if they miss with the first 2-3 bullets! I've been skint - as a kid during the strike - and as an adult due to redundancy. I might need help in the future. I can see people are struggling now. Lots of people are not paid enough, while the politicians argue and the services collapse due to cuts. If the Tories get in again, there will likely be no NHS or state pension when I retire. No help for those who need it - and we all suffer as a result.
The original article is bitter and many comments on here are…. Money brings out the worst in people. I feel wealthy, I have my health and a family who love me. I have the basics covered of home health and family. And a little bit on top. The person in the original article, and many more never will… because they’re always striving for the wrong thing.
Great idea…. The super rich will still put their kids through school. The ones who aren’t will put their kids in local (full) schools which will cost the taxpayer more than the tax breaks given to private schools. So in effect, making it even more difficult to change anything. But at the same time causing even more cost to an already stretched public purse.
So, you're happy as things are then? At the moment us ordinary folk are subsidising rich people paying their kids education to get life chances our kids can only dream of. What I suggest would be a start to the end of the private schools system. If rich people had to send their kids to state school, not only would it help establish a truer meritocracy but they'd make education a major issue which would raise standards. The kids at school now aren't mine anymore but I hope they generate wealth to keep me drooling in a better class of care home. Giving tim nice but dims all the best jobs cos of the school they went to isn't cutting it anymore. Just look at the politicians it spews out!