Mi mam used to treat me on the shellfish stall. With a plate of cockles every time we went. She ate them there rubber ones. Whelks.
Cockles and Mussels. Gorgeous. Just got to get it out of your head that they're atin' 5h ite all day being filter feeders.
Thank you for that. Obviously computer generated but still evocative. Add the bobby in the white overcoat with tbe fantastic handlebar moustache who used to direct traffic on Mayday Green and it would be complete..
Brings back good memories.Barnsley feast week with the fair actually in the market.Gas nook where you could buy studs for your leather jackets.Happy times
That’s absolutely brilliant……a don’t think some folk realise just how special it is Barnsley, I can’t wait to see how Eldon Street looks when it’s tarted back up…..a wonder if we’ll ever get to see bands plating in the old theatre again? It’d make a cracking venue
BTW who were they plating in the old theatre the last time you saw a band doing it? I was only lucky enough to manage it behind the building near a skip!
A think it would be to have a venue (maybe the Theatre) that could host big name bands……we’ve now a town centre to show off so a think attracting even more people to the town would be brilliant
Do you mean the civic? I think that even in its heyday it only has a capacity of around 800 but I'd love to see it reinstated to a big theatre fit for modern use. Alternatively I wonder if one could be fitted on the gala bingo site.
Yeah, Civic, that’s then one………I’ve been to a fair few smaller venues and they are brilliant, it’s the architecture that would make it special