Which version, Andy Powel's or Martin Turner's? I've seen Martin Turner's a few times in recent years, playing all the early stuff (first 4/5 albums) and I saw the original band a couple of times in the 1970s. Great band, Argus has to be in the top 100 all-time rock albums.
Where were they? Persephone and The King Will Come are my two favourites. Argus in the top ten albums of that period.
Did they play any of the early stuff? I have to confess that I've never heard any of the albums after "There's the Rub".
Wow I didn’t know they were still going. Saw them in 81 or 82 playing the Student Union at Liverpool Uni. They were decent then but not a group I ever bought albums of. Not paid much attention to them in the last 40 years.