Cawthorne Park should be dark blue. Especially as at their farm shop they recently whacked up their 3 for 12 range to 3 for 14.
Nearer to Barnsley actually Yorkshire Sculpture park to Barnsley station 7.7 miles, whereas to Wakefield Westgate it's 9.8 miles. Journeys via M1.
Borders Wakefield west an Denby dale, Barnsley North, and Penistone and stocksbridge, they all have a chunk of land, but it's definately got a Wakefield post code, i once had an argument as i thought it was Huddersfield
Postcode is irrelevant. That's just where the nearest sorting office is. Most of Barnsley has a Sheffield postcode.
I think the border is the river Dearne through the park land, so though some of the grounds are in Barnsley, most of the infrastructure and exhibits are on Wakey.
Actually, the only parts of Barnsley that have a “Sheffield” postcode are those to the west that are nearer to Stocksbridge Delivery Office than Barnsley Delivery Office Of course I know you’re actually referring to the ‘S’ prefix to all our postcodes, but that’s just how Royal Mail created and assigned the postcodes based on the nearest Mail Centre. They’d probably do it very differently these days if they started again - quite a few of the original Mail Centres have closed. Still can’t understand why Halifax got their own when the HD prefix probably had more than enough combinations to cover Halifax too!
talking of postcodes - Friend lives in Aberystwyth postcode SY23 - SY being Shrewsbury 75 miles away!