As part of the Sensory Garden installation at Shaw lane, we are putting in a “mental health / friendship bench” to encourage people to stop and chat. (Think After Life/ Ricky Gervais) I’m looking for a quote to put on this bench. Obviously I’ve googled what others have done but I’d like it to be different/ unique. Something about friendship / support / helping others. Any pearls of wisdom out there?
I like "Even Paradise has its shadows" - i.e everyone has down days, even people in paradise. But those days will pass
The road is long, with many a winding turn, That leads us to who knows where, But I'm strong, strong enough to carry him, He ain't heavy, he's my brother … So on we go
If it's uniqueness you're after you want an expression/vocabulary/saying that is germane to Barnsley -
can't help - I'm a Taff - the good folk of Barnsley should have some suggestions -- similar scheme in Merthyr has some benches with 'WHAT'S OCCURRING' on them. Would you have the words in other languages as well as English?
really good idea. I sat on the Kirsty McColl one in soho square a few weeks ago. Felt very serene given location