Sorry for hijacking this post Toronto red but we fly into Toronto next Wednesday to start a 12 day east to west tour taking in Toronto with a visit to niagara, Montreal, Banff, Jasper, Rocky Mountain railway finishing in Vancouver. Due to the itinerary we have a spare day in Toronto so any suggestions. I think there is baseball while we are there so thinking of trying to take that in.
Toronto to Vancouver and back in a trailer tent was still the best holiday of my life. Plenty to do in Toronto, you'll not be stuck. Enjoy
Sounds amazing. We’re not quite as adventurous we fly into Toronto 3 days A coach trip up to Montreal fly to Calgary coach to Banff coach to jasper then train to kamloops then second day back to Vancouver. All organised guided tour so pretty tame compared to your trip.
Was in 1982 mate, but I remember every detail. The drive from Calgary to the Rockies is immense. We had had days on the flat prairies, then you see the Rockies looming up around Calgary and the approach is amazing. We stayed in a village called Canmore, not far from Banff, a couple of nights. My idea of paradise, the six years later it became the Winter Olympic village, so I guess it is more of a large town these days! Banff too is very commercial now, but no denying the scenery. I'm jealous you want to take a baseball game in. I've followed the Blue Jays for years, but never been. And I feel filthy cos next week I am off to see the Yankees in NYC. It's like admitting I am off to a Leeds match :-( Not 100% sure but I think the Yankees might be in Toronto when you go? Worth checking. Once again, enjoy. You will love the west.
Toronto is a nice place to live. Not super exciting to visit like New York but you won’t be bored and certainly will be well fed! There might be a big outdoor gathering at the hockey arena if you overlap with an NHL playoff game.