..pampered overpaid footballers get a lot of stick and rightly so in some case but there are some diamonds out there.. After being mocked several times for frequently carrying a broken but working phone, which could change on a daily basis, Senegalese Liverpool player SADIO MANE, has responded: "Why should I?" If I wanted I could buy 10 Ferraris, 20 Rolex watches or two private planes but to do what? I was hungry and thirsty had to work in the field. I survived wars, famines, black hunger, I played football barefoot, I didn't study and many other things but today thanks to what I earn from football I can help my people. We have built schools, hospitals, playgrounds and provide clothes, shoes and food to people living in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros a month to all the people in a very poor region of Senegal, to contribute to the family economy. No need to show off a beautiful new generation phone,gold rolex,luxury car,luxury villas and private jet trips,I prefer economic class. I rather my people receive what life has given me. This is called an honorable fight against selfishness, against poverty, against hunger in every part of the world, not just in my country”.
Ages back. When Brexit still seemed a good idea for greedy Tories.. Time goes in reverse for some daft apeths..