Switch to a postal vote. We did it in the wake of the pandemic and I can't imagine we'll go back to voting in person again. No ID necessary.
Nothing to do with the EU. Non EU member countries also have ID cards. It is true the EU have co-ordinated standardised formats on the electronic biometric ones but ID cards themselves are nothing to do with EU. But don't let facts and your false assumptions get in the way of some good old anti Tory Govt rant, AGAIN my post was not about the rights and wrongs of the policy -there are clearly issues need addressing.
Apparently 15% of applications for the voter ID card were rejected - would be interesting to see why they were rejected as that seems a little high
On the new voter id requirements. It's absolutely a Tory ruse to cheat. On the issue of photo id in general. I don't get the problem. I've got an Irish driver's licence and an Irish Public Services card. I really don't think they're part of some Irish deep state plot to keep an eye on me or control me. Qanon style hysteria.
I don't have a problem with an optional standardised ID card or even a compulsory one that's provided free by the state and is a legal form of ID for shop, clubs, etc however I do have a very big problem with any enforced carrying of the card.
Fair enough. I'd agree. However, why anyone wouldn't want to carry it puzzles me a bit. There's loads of instances these days such as setting up accounts where id is asked for. Let's face it. No one would dream of leaving home without their phone anymore and that's a walking, talking certain way for any nefarious country, organisation, Bill Gates, George Soros bogeyman to track you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not daft enough to suggest any number of security services etc would blanche at tracking you through your phone if they wanted. And they don't even have to enforce that, we've happily volunteered for it.
I might do the same in future, I voted in person yesterday but my wife had a postal vote which she had forgotten to post, so I just took it with me and handed it to the officials. You can do this right up to the 10pm deadline. It's a win-win, no Id required and you ensure it arrives without relying on Royal Mail.
Changes to postal voting coming in September. A more blatant attempt at voter suppression wikis be hard to find
The number of fraudulent votes in previous elections was shown to be very small. A much smaller number no doubt than those put off voting. They REQUESTED some form of photo ID but that seemingly doesn't include NHS staff ID. I briefly showed my driver licence inside the plastic sleeve in my wallet, but there was no examination of it, I could have quite easily mocked it up had I been dead set on voter fraud. It's just a load of Tory vote disenfranchising nonsense.
if they can’t be arsed to carry ID’s after all the publicity regarding needing one they are hardly committed voters, why bother even turning up? If you haven’t got one that’s different , but can’t be arsed is just an excuse. If the voting was down I would suggest it’s more down to general apathy than needing ID.
Zero prosecutions for voter fraud at last elections. If you can provide actual evidence of widespread and significant voting fraud I would absolutely support the measures, otherwise it just comes across as an attempt to disenfranchise undesirables.
you mentioned the EU not me….. try and remember or go check your post before replying… remember that time….. “Incidentally, UK paranoia regarding ID cards is a bit of a joke amongst many who are not UK residents.. Of twenty-six EU Member States that issue identity cards to their nationals, identity card ownership is compulsory in 15 Member States. No-one feels threatened or controlled by this except conspiracy theorists. They are quite useful in lots of situations especially the new biometric ones.” and your post appeared to be ridiculing a person who fell foul of this stupid policy.
I think from now on you'll have to apply again for postal voting every two or three years and provide ID each time you apply
Of course I am ridiculing him The idiot knew that photo ID was required and by his own admission he either forgot or could not be bothered to make sure he had it on him. He then ends up 'livid' 'cos he wanted an exception to be made. ?If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..etc' Like I said I was not commenting on the new regs and acknowledged there are issue with it. Nevertheless there are other examples of ignoring simple rules that are inconvenient. Not carrying your driving licence is actually an on the spot fine in many countries. In UK it is not but you then have the inconvenience of having to present it yourself to the police station within a certain time. Certain irony in you snidey patronising comments you sneak in your posts to me too given your recent post ... "shïte analagy. Forget your id card at oakwell tfe kind souls pribtbyku snother one and let you in once your proved who you are via other means. As has been said many times in this thread sone of those other means aren’t acceptable at the polling station. this is shíte and any attempt to justify it under voter fraud is laughable. Like your thread title. Oh any by the way have you just used one of the great things the EU do to further make a point??? Seriously??? My ghast is well and truly flabbered." The above is littered with spelling, grammatical errors, and accusing me of ridiculing someone, false assumptions blind politically motivated ignorance regarding my motivation for my post (ridiculing!!)n which AGAIN!! I have to point out was NOT a comment on the new regs but of the poor as to why the person could not vote. If you do want me to comment on the rules.. I would say there are too many anomolies e.g. NHS ID invalid, student bus passes invalid whilst seniors are valid. The whole thing needs revsiting.
Floundering now it’s progressed to spelling and grammatical errors… indeed if it walks and talks like a right wing gammon it probably is a right wing gammon.