Massive praise to the announcer for the way he read the names. Just the right amount of emotion and the perfect tone. Have to admit I felt quite emotional when Cunning Stunt's name was read out. Gone far, far, too soon. RIP to all Once a red, always a red
Me and my son totally struck by the number of fans that have passed. Also one of those reality moments as I said to my son - my name will be read out one day. Think our fans clapping throughout was really respectful too.
It's become a lovely tradition and was beautifully delivered. Does anyone know if the Roger Montague who was mentioned is the husband of Shirley, who was part of our staff up to administration? She was usually the one who served in the club shop when it was the "hole in the wall". Roger was a brilliant photographer, The Mount (pre refurbishment) had loads of his photos on the wall but I think he auctioned off a lot of his stuff a year or two back. Lovely bloke. The two lads who I sit with on Row BB in the Ponty End, and myself, had a wreath made up for Vincent Rushworth who passed away a couple of weeks ago.and has sat behind us for as long as we can remember. (Thanks to @YTBFC and his colleague Brad Jacobs for their help so we could get the wreath on Vin's seat before the weekend). The two fellas who usually attend weren't at the match today but if anyone knew Vin, or his family, let them know he wasn't forgotten.
It was very emotional , especially as I knew so many in the roll call! Never known it so long which is chilling too. Metatarsal: Yes Roger was Shirley’s Husband!
My Dad (and his mate, a colleague who accompanied us to the game) were amongst the names read out. My Mum was at the game; we both thought it struck the right tone. Well done all.
Is Shirley still around? Lovely lady, many happy memories as a kid visiting the old club shop. I last saw her outside the ground maybe 7 or 8 years ago.