Probably thought that in 2023 people would accept that people are different. I guess that's too much for the knuckle draggers though.
Honestly think what happened would happen in any football ground across the world. The stupidity was him thinking it was a good idea to do it.
They were singing Dee Dah ... Dee Dah - that was it..some bloke actually went up to him and politely said it probably wasn't best idea. He ignored him and carried on - he was then removed by someone in the stand. He gave thumbs when removed - he knew it would cause an issue.
With his shirt out ... pretty stupid thing to do if you ask me especially as we weren't even playing them.
I’ve always thought that was a strange structure. And assumed it was for hospitality or the directors
People talk all the time about how cricket and rugby are so much better than football because fan seating is integrated and you might be sat next to supporters of the other team. This shows why they're right and football still has to be segregated. Who gives a **** about a blunt watching us, really, even if he had a shirt on? How many games have you been to see that didn't involve Barnsley? NB - fair play if he was causing a scene, by which I mean kicking off at people. From the photo, doesn't really look it.
He’s done it for a wind up & got the reaction he wanted. There’s no way he would’ve sat in the ponty end with it on. None of us would sit at Brammall Lane in a Reds shirt unless we were after a reaction.
The issue isn't with a neutral going to the game, it's the person being on the wind up. If I went to a Football match not involving Barnsley, I wouldn't wear a Barnsley shirt.