The details they put out the other day said tickets for Bolton were 140+points tommorow 100+ Wednesday they changed it to 120+ on Wednesday not happy
equally though, wouldn't it also be unfair if someone with 120 missed out because the floodgates open at 100 points? there's gonna be people who miss out, but it seems fair that those with more points get first dibs. that said, I genuinely don't know how points are allocated. Doesn't apply to me either BTW, I've only got 104 points
I would have had no problem it they had originally set it 120+ but I have spent some of today sorting things out including telling my 10yrs Grandson we are going and sorting travel
Thanks for the advice how was I to know they were going to change it the information was on the official site.
Regardless of the decision to change the brackets the communication has been pretty awful over the last few days. "As previously communicated tickets will go on sale in the following order" erm no Barnsley, that's not as previously communicated. Previously you communicated 100+ not 120+ This on top of the balls up the other day forcing fans to pay for postage they didn't want and then slyly slipping in an option to load your card without saying a word and no apology or explanation to those forced to pay money they didn't need to. Both the changes have been made for the right reasons and it's understandable that our ticketing procedures may be a little less than perfect at the moment considering that Beth is head of ticketing but when correcting these mistakes it isn't hard to explain and apologise for the mistakes. It needs to be better. It really really does.
I think it is 50 points per season ticket and then points are awarded for away game tickets bought depending on distance, so if you got Exeter away tickets you’d get more tickets than say Wednesday away.
It is frustrating but there was no guarantee of us getting tickets at the 100 point cut off the loyalty system is in place for stuff like this and it is a fair way of doing it. I’ve got a similar amount of points as you mate but I can’t really argue if someone who has been to more games and spent their hard earned gets tickets instead of me
I have no problem with the loyalty scheme it's like you say the fairest way but to put out the an official statement re points needed and then change it can't be fair