Decent article we shouldn’t defend a liar just because we see him as our liar.
Arch Tory Peter Oborne describes Starmers election campaign as the most dishonest in political history. I’d say he is right. Blair never pretended to be a Bennite to get elected. And anyhoo more than enough from me I have no wish to make the quite genuine people on here defend lies and lying as I k ow they only do so in the hope of a better world. They will get a shock but you have to live and learn.
You see a liar, I see a bloke changing his mind. I'm pretty sure Corbyn said some bad stuff about the EU & the European project in general, but then he told everybody to vote Remain. Is that the same thing? I get your point I really do, but I'm very up for a politician who sets out an agenda then reacts to situations v being stuck with 'I said this in 2020 so I best keep saying it'. The 'I never said that' doesn't look good must admit, but benefit of the doubt eh? Not everything is black and white.
My point was that people are saying Starmer’s poll lead proves the Labour Party has to move to the centre when it doesn’t. Its circumstances that got Labour in in 97 & it’ll be the same next year fingers crossed. Almost everyone despises the Tories right now. The jobs 90% done. I honestly don’t think the vast majority of voters know who’s left, who’s centre etc. They tend to vote off soundbites & vibes. Not Corbyn no, the job was done on him by 2019. Corbyn of 2017 in the same circumstances as Starmer has now? Yes. A random member of the socialist campaign group leading the party that isn’t Corbyn, Abbott or Burgon. Yes.
I think it’s one hell of a stretch to say he’s changed his mind on every one of his main pledges within 3 years. Margaret Hodge even admitted live on tele that he just made them up to win leadership of the party.
Not according to this article by Mark Pack
A combination of Labour, Libdems and Greens hand the Tories their a****s and some see it not as a good thing but as a chance to have a go at the ideologically impure Starmer. Far better we should carry on with the Tories in charge and destroying the country innit?
Is Starmer the greatest thing since sliced bread? I don't know and probably not, but hopefully unlike most Labour leaders he'll get the chance to prove himself come next election when the Tories get booted out. Sunak is a cuckoo PM, installed as far I can see without being voted in by anybody and now delivering a manifesto that nobody voted for. A party rotten to the core that needs to go into opposition and sort themselves out.
Apologies if I'm being a bit dense but I thought Corbyn got 28% last time these seats were contested in 2019?
There’s no need to fall out just now about this. I think we can see already that Starmer will split the left wing Labour vote between those who will hold there nose and vote for him and those that won’t. I’m in the latter camp. Been a Labour voter and party member for most of the last 40 years but I won’t be campaigning for a either of the two right wing parties at the next election (and Labour are one of those imo). It will be the Greens for me, or if I move to Scotland for sanctuary, the SNP.
Having an agenda without power is really no agenda at all. the Lib dems can promise 50% pay rises and free ice cream every Sunday if they like because they will never have to deliver. Starmer is trying to steer through the real socialist old school labour supporters and the labour lite floating voters that get you elected. closer to the election the Tory loving media will start harking back to "Union Baron's " and "Reds under the bed" ( No not us Reds) the Torys despite borrowing trillions will accuse him of Tax and overspend followed by a constant barrage of "How ya gonna pay for it" and somehow Starmer is going to have to appeal to the centre ground voters....glad it's not my job
If I were a Tory election strategist next year I would be targeting Starmer as a liar, telling folks he can't be trusted, telling them he stands for nothing at all and is totally vacuous. The Tories will get some votes back by doing that
Yes they will..lets hope Labour have the Role call ready for the extensive list of proven Tory scum bag liars that even includes a British Prime Minister and first row chosen cabinet members
They do that regardless, wait till the media gets going. They made a decent guy like Corbyn out to be worse than Hitler.
One more for good measure. The right wing press will run things like this throughout an election. The tories will plaster it all over Facebook ads. It will hit home given the extent of the lies told. Daft to think otherwise.
And here ? Looks bad because it is bad. Also proscribed both Republic and CND. So I can be an ex Tory but not anti war or pro republic.
5% I agree with Labour Policies 5% I mostly align with Labour values. Pretty much the rest the tories are shash.