Played really well against the 'Forces of Darkness ' a few weeks ago but then it's not hard to play better than Morales and Kent!
Yeah he was going out with the young lass in the club shop for a while, he bought her a top spec purple Range Rover. Fast forward 4 years and she then appeared on love Island. The damage was caused when on a night out he received a text from Tom Bradshaws then missus which one of the other lads grassed him up. Then a few days later in training TB ended up swinging for him. I liked him as a player but he doesn’t strike me as a proper professional outside the game. Lads will be lads but when it starts affecting the full team you have to get rid. Hopefully he’s matured abit since then.
So I take it that before becoming cabin crew and then going on Love Island that Cheyanne Kerr worked at Oakwell and she's the lass linked to Angus.
Yes she did work in the club shop. She was just 17 when MacDonald signed for us and 19 when he left us aged 25.
Hopefully they've all matured a bit since then. Paints footballers in a very negative light. And sounds like a right c0ck fight, with Bradshaw swinging for him in training and girlfriends getting involved. Like an episode of Geordie Shore. Let's not forget that we've all made mistakes. I remember an outpouring of support on here for Angus when he got diagnosed with cancer. Now he's recovered he's the spawn of satan.
Totally agree, only met him once in person but he seems perfectly nice and spoke highly of us - he was at Hull at the time I met him. As you say “there but for the grace of God…”. People on the internet like to show outrage at sexual infidelity but if we condemned everyone who was unfaithful we’d be binning off people who’ve changed the world for the better in many other ways
"To Hull & Back", the autobiography... sure someone has done it before. I all seriousness, I wish the lad well.
I was hoping Dale would have revealed all during the interview he did in lockdown, but bizarrely he was never even asked. Dales step dad is on this forum, I won’t reveal who. I spoke to him a few years back about posting the story but at that time it was impossible to do so without it having (potentially) a huge financial effect on him. Now years have passed and neither are now employed by the club I’d hope that Dale will tell all himself or possibly his father in law. It’s not my place too, especially when it’s something that could lead to legal action. However, Murray is the biggest snake this football club has seen since Ridsdale. What I will say however is Dale and Daniel never once spoke to HTAFC, never. Stendels agent was notified of the interest and he binned it off, had no interest at all. The rumours he held talks with them was laughable, and if you’re asking me with the things I already know? I think Conway created the whole rumour, he wanted Daniel out in the summer after promotion. what they did to Daniel and Dale was disgusting.
That certainly brings more clarity to the situation. Basically fat man Conway struck again! Surprise surprise …
I have no doubt what you're saying about Stendel is true, and I'm not at all surprised. I found it very hard to believe the rumour at the time (that he'd gone behind the club's back to talk to Hudds), he seems a real man of integrity. The polar opposite of Paul Conway.
More than you’d ever know, he was upto his knees in it. Murray did his dirty work, and it was dirty what he did. Adam has more faces than a dodecahedron, and he got found out at Mansfield before he arrived with us. He was given certain assurances by Conway, there’s a reason he ended up caretaker after Daniel got sacked. There’s also a reason he stuck around as long as he did. It was all down to one man. Conway.
Simply never happened pal, Daniel is a good bloke. He was a proper football man, and had a club come in for him who could have offered him an opportunity to really progress I have no doubt he would have been tempted and had a conversation about it. He never once spoke to any other club though, never. I really felt for DS, he really bought into the club and the town. He was heartbroken when they sacked him, but I think he was more hurt at the way it happened. It was wrong on every single level.
And if we did, there would be some idiot on here asking if we still had a sell on clause from his first stint with us…