We all know that you can never trust anyone with two Christian names, but what sort of absolute fraudster has three surnames? Fůcking disgusting. I'd dock points for impersonating a firm of chartered accountants.
Business idea. Name exchange. People like George Michael could swap with someone like Clarke Oduor and become George Clarke and Michael Oduor, all for a nominal fee of course. People with two forenames or two surnames could perhaps donate one for people like Meryl Streep who has no discernible names at all, to purchase for a reasonable brokerage fee. Has to be a winner.
While we're at it: Rip Torn whose parents were clearly wanting a Thesaurus rather than a boy. Penn Jillete named after things his dad kept in plastic cups.
Terrence Trent D'arby The river Trent actually does go through Derby so well done to Terry's mum and dad.
I thought he was probably the best player on the pitch on Sunday. Scored their first and then did some solid defensive work when we had corners and free kicks. I doubt he'll be there next season if they fail to go up.