Was at Oxford away that day, blitzed, don't remember getting om but remembered seeing the headlines & the footage, will never forget. R.I.P. the 56.
Awful day for football - my abiding memory was the speed at which it ripped through the stands. Seemed to be a small fire in one section then flames just engulfed the whole stand. RIP
Anyone who enjoys reading I would highly recommend a book called 56. Written by a man who lost close members of his own family and then devoted his later life investigating how and why it happened One of the best sporting books I’ve ever read
85 was a horrible year. We had the Bradford disaster and the 85 European Cup Final disaster at Heysel. And to top everything off my father died in the October.
Wasn't there footage showing a policeman with his hair setting on fire as he tried to get closer to help?
I’m too young to remember it. I wasnt out of nappies at the time, just turned 2. I have read about it since, first prompted to do so when I read a paragraph about it in John Hendrie’s autobiography. Absolutely horrendous. The elderly couple who were found still sitting in their seats? Folk running to the exits to get out and they were all locked? I just can’t comprehend. The 56 who died must never be forgotten of course. But also remember the hundreds of injured; plastic surgery techniques were trialled for some of the burns victims and the ‘Bradford Sling’ is still used to this day all over the country and even abroad. An absolute tragedy which robbed dozens of families of loved ones and created a lot of heroes, from people that had no desire to be.
Never forget the chap trying to get on to the pitch with his coat in flames. This as always stayed with me the horror of football fans caught up in a tradgic event. Rip the fans .