Over the two legs, obviously Peterborough. Imagine the state of porktalk should it be confirmed that they are not getting promoted after being 1/100 to do so just a few short weeks ago!
well I am no great fan of Peterborough but I wanted them to pip Derby for the playoffs and I'd love them to dump the massives out of the playoffs so it would be fun if they could get a 3 or 4 goal lead tonight. It wont ruin my evening if they dont win though
Ideally I'd love for us to be the ones who beat Wednesday in the final, but the thought of losing the final is equally is terrifying knowing wave after wave of delusion would follow on social media... tough one...
I’m not arsed to be honest, nearly dislike Ferguson and MacAnthony as much as I do Sheffield Wednesday. Can they both lose?
Windass back for them. I hope Peterbro pull off a shock win otherwise l think the pigs will walk these play offs.
No love for peterboro but hope they win tonight. Losing to piggies at wembley would be the worst feeling possible in 42 years of following reds